Artistric Instructor

Ron F.

Ron's career path has allowed him to travel much of the world (Japan; China; Australia; Singapore; South Africa; Europe; England). Along with those travels he has admired bonsai for more than 40 years but only acquired his first bonsai(a willow leaf ficus) back in 1995, and since has become obsessed with the hobby. Initially just building a personal collection and when the opportunity arrived started his business Ancient Arts Bonsai to fill the need of local hobbyists. Today, Ron has over 60 trees in his personal collection. Ron believes that bonsai is an art form, along with its basis, must be sound horticultural understanding and practice. One without the other leads to less than desirable results (such as great looking trees artistically but dead, or healthy looking trees of little interest.) The presentation should tell a story, it should cause the viewer to think why is this tree in the form it is in.

Ron has have served as president of Milwaukee Bonsai Society and president, treasurer of the Mid-America Bonsai Alliance. He co-chaired the second convention (ABS 2002) and chaired the MABA 2006 convention. Ron continues his bonsai studies taking Ryan Neils classes. He teaches our MBS Fundamentals Classes as well as Madison's bonsai Society classes. He keeps very busy with his bonsai business Ancient Arts Bonsai in Oconomowoc.